Chiropractic Services Offered

Dr. Yap performing a mid-back adjustment (spinal manipulation) for upper back stiffness and shoulder blade pain

About Our Chiropractic Services

Tired of living with pain or discomfort and ready to commit to getting rid of this problem for good? You’ve come to the right place!

Dr. Nicholas Yap serves to improve the quality of life for his patients and community. By providing safe and holistic therapies, he will help guide your physical needs and wellbeing to support your mental and emotional health. Dr. Yap is committed to you and the treatment plan you feel confident in.



  1. Initial History & Thorough Physical Examination: Your first visit will consist of an hour-long appointment. During this time, we will go through your medical history and current complaints. Dr. Yap will then complete a thorough physical examination which will provide him with insight on how to proceed with a treatment plan to best suit your personal needs.

  2. Treatment: Along with receiving treatment, you will understand more about your pain & complaints, learn how to safely avoid painful movements, and discover new strategies and exercises to help you become pain-free with lasting effects.

  3. Customized Plan & Self-Management Education: You will receive a customized plan from which he will continuously build & modify according to your needs. You will learn home strategies to relieve or alleviate your pain, allowing you to enjoy your days with minimal reminders of your pain.



Spinal Manipulation

Dr. Yap utilizes a series of effective chiropractic spinal manipulation (AKA spinal adjustments) through the Diversified Technique. Spinal manipulation has been shown in numerous scientific studies to help improve function, increase range of motion, and decrease pain for spine-related conditions in the neck, upper to mid-back, lower back, pelvis and sacrum.

Extremity Manipulation

Yes, you read that right! We, as Chiropractic Physicians also treat joints in the extremities. Extremity manipulation is often very helpful in post-traumatic incidents involving the hip, knee, ankle, shoulder, elbow and wrist. Dr. Yap has found that extremity manipulation is especially helpful in hip pain and ankle pain conditions where our range of motion may be restricted. In the clinic, we’ve found that imbalanced muscular activity surrounding these joints can result in decentration of the joints. This can lead to increased pain and limited mobility with activities. Dr. Yap always combines extremity manipulation with rehab exercises to aid in restoring the proper functional movement and better centration or position of the joint surfaces. Ultimately allowing you to optimize your muscle synergies to perform at your best.

Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Manipulation (IASTM)

Dr. Yap utilizes a variety of tools in the clinic in combination with hands-on manual therapy. These instruments allow for precise evaluation of the potential trouble areas and provide therapeutic treatment of muscle & tendon dysfunction, and fascial adhesions or restrictions for common overuse injuries or post-surgical therapy. He has found that these therapeutic interventions are effective for the management of extremity complaints involving the shoulder, elbow, knee, and ankle to name a few.

Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy (MDT)

Also referred to as the Mckenzie Method, MDT was developed by physiotherapist Robin McKenzie and is one of the most researched rehabilitation methods for the treatment of joint pain in the neck, lower back, and extremities relating to intervertebral disc pain. In the clinic, Dr. Yap sees a lot of discogenic related pain cases such as severe or chronic lower back pain, sciatica, numbness or tingling down the leg or arm, and acute low back pain. He can help you determine your movement preference which will aid in alleviating your pain, prevent it from returning, and lead to proper function.

Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS)

Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS) was developed by Pavel Kolar, PhD, PT from the Czech Republic and operates out of the Prague School of Rehabilitation and Manual Medicine. The DNS rehabilitation principles are deeply rooted in the exploration of neurodevelopmental postures and movements shared by everyone from the developmental milestones in their first years of life. DNS therapeutic approach aims to activate the “Integrated Stabilizing System” of the spine and locomotion. In other words, DNS exercises are prescribed by our trained clinicians to help restore the body’s natural movement patterns, alleviate the transfer of forces to all joints, and promote optimal spinal positions for all activities.

Neurodynamic Solutions (NDS)

Neurodynamic Solutions (NDS) & Clinical Neurodynamics was developed by Physiotherapist and Researcher, Michael Shacklock, PhD., PT. This effective manual technique considers and evaluates the mechanical movement of nerves in our bodies and the interactions with the surrounding tissues. Dr. Yap utilizes this system to successfully diagnose and treat nerve impingement cases and nerve pain that can be stemming from the neck and or lower back.

This diagnostic and therapeutic system of approach is not common amongst chiropractors and physiotherapists, but our clinicians are well equipped to handle your nerve pain!

Dr. Yap demonstrating a resisted lateral step for knee stability and rehab for meniscus or ACL injury.

Sport Performance Training

Dr. Yap enjoys treating athletes of all ages and backgrounds. A Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) through the National Academy of Sports Medicine & National Strength & Conditioning Association, he has had the pleasure of working with NCAA Division 1 Collegiate athletics and multiple sports which include: all track & field events, women’s rowing, men’s baseball, women’s tennis, swimming, golf, powerlifting, CrossFit, triathletes, and martial arts. If you are struggling with pain or want to get the most out of your training, you’ve come to the right place!

Dr. Yap guiding a resisted deadlift for proper hip hinge mechanics and lower back stability.

Exercise Rehabilitation

An exercise & movement enthusiast himself, Dr. Yap is well versed in teaching proper loading techniques of the spine from his experience working with professional and collegiate athletes. If you’re a CrossFit athlete, powerlifter, Olympic weightlifter, distance runner, or simply want to maximize your workouts in the gym without pain or discomfort, we can help! Our goal is to not only address your pains and aches, but we focus heavily on teaching you how to move better, feel better, and be stronger. We believe that our bodies are strong and resilient.

Dr. Yap performing dynamic cupping therapy for relief of a pinched nerve pain in the shoulder blade area

Dynamic Cupping Therapy & Kinesiotaping

Adopted from the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) application of glass cupping, Dr. Yap utilizes dynamic cupping in the form of silicone soft cups and a neutral skin lubricant to help reduce the likelihood of bruising, lift the fascia to allow for the muscles and nerves to glide and slide freely, and is very effective in reducing superficial nerve irritation and trigger points! He can also implement the use of Kinesiotaping for sports-related cases as well as pain reduction via proprioceptive feedback from the body. This new therapeutic application is frequently utilized as a treatment for myofascial trigger points in neck pain, shoulder tightness, back pain, hip pain, knee pain, and ankle sprains.

Are you ready to invest in your health?